The Gottman’s 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: A research based approach to learning how to communicate with your partner more effectively, nurture your friendship, and enhance intimacy.

What you will learn when you work with Melissa:

  • The Friendship Factor

    It begins with friendship: Knowing your partner well and feeling known by your partner. Making and receiving “bids for connection”, turning towards instead of away to your phone, the tv, your children, sports, etc. Having a “positive habit of mind” where you can see the good in your partner, not just feel your complaints.

  • Managing Conflict

    The goal with Gottman Method couples counseling is to learn how to “dialogue” about their differences, and to “fight well”. You will learn how to listen to understand your partner, to communicate without the “4 Horsemen” of criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. You will learn healthier ways to communicate, make and receive “repair”, and reach compromise.

  • Make Life Dreams Come True

    As you learn and use the 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work you and your partner will learn to create “shared meaning” and a relationship that supports your life dreams. You will feel more supported in your various roles in life, your individual and shared goals, and sustain improved emotional and physical intimacy.